Sunday, March 28, 2010

Empowered Life Church

I just got home from church. I visited Empowered Life Church in Henderson today. They are a new church (1 year) and have about 50 members. They are an extremely warm, friendly, and inviting congregation. They are culturally diverse with most of the members being over 30. A good group of kids K-5th and a few teens.

Today the pastor finished up a series on families. The topic was educating our children. He had many good points, mainly focused on obedience to parents and educating them so they can be better off and more prosperous than their parent’s generation: obedience=blessing. I would have liked to hear more about raising our kids to have a passionate love for God and His Word because from that passion obedience flows and yes, blessings too but not always in ways our culture measures as success. In God’s economy success is a sold out heart for Him to go anywhere and do anything...all for the glory of Him, regardless of earthly rewards. 

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