The Fix is a satellite campus of Green Valley Community Church. It meets at Club Madrid in Sunset station @ 11:00AM each Sunday.
I really had no idea what to expect. Some friends of mine told us about it. It was a lot like the Verve in it's crowd and style but not nearly as established or independent. It was small church atmosphere and friendly. We were given welcome packets (including a Starbucks card), welcome cards, and greeted several times and not just by people at the front door. People actually got out of their seats and said hello even though it wasn't greeting time.
The whole service was very chill and you pretty much felt at home even though it was out of the box. The band really rocked a couple of numbers. They really weren't sing along songs but the words were great and the musicians were awesome to listen to. There is a site pastor and he does the intro and the announcements, the closing, etc. The preaching comes from the main campus and is projected on the screen.
I have never actually been to a campus that preaches via a satellite feed or is pre-recorded, so it was a novelty for me, and actually I really enjoyed it. One of the pastors, Kevin, did the preaching and he was great. Both my teenage daughter and myself really loved the way he presented the message. He used lots of scripture, told great stories, sang a funny song, and made really good points. At one point in the middle of his sermon he stopped when he said we have to be "open to Christ" and decided we should stop and pray right then because he felt some people needed to make a commitment to Christ in their heart right then. You should know me by now, I love it when pastors authentically follow the urgings of the Holy Spirit over the script in front of them. Big points for pastor Kevin.
It would be easy to come in late and leave early and never get plugged in and at the same time there were so many things you could get involved in in the bigger ministry at Green Valley's main campus. It is small church feel with the deep pockets of a big, well-established church.
After the message they had worship. I have really been embracing this idea lately; I love to do worship after the message. My daughter agrees. There is something I like about getting down to business and then having time to reflect and apply it durning a worship time after. It is like a big satisfying sigh.
Overall we liked the low key, untraditional feel. We loved the message. We loved the lack of political agenda and forced scripting. We enjoyed the uniqueness of the music. We felt fed when we left and would definitely go back. A great environment to bring friends who don't like "church" but who are curious about God.
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